How This Pandemic Changed HR Analytics & Digital Employee Experience Forever

Ahmad Butt
6 min readJul 23, 2021


Photo by Kate Sade on Unsplash

The recent pandemic has changed the way the human resource department has been working. The HR department works on attracting the best talent for the organization and making the experience of hiring and onboarding impressively smooth for newcomers to increase the retention rate. It must make the experience liable and appealing that it represents the value that the company provides to its employees. Companies have shifted their work from the office to online or flexible workplaces. Garter states that over 127 companies, 47% of companies allow their employees to work remotely and 43% of companies prefer flexible work routines, even after the pandemic. The time is changing priorities of work mood.

This has set the expectations of employees quite differently. It is time to improve the initial process of hiring and onboarding that can secure the employee position in the company. The process adds value to the employee experience, which assures either the employee will recommend the organization ahead and show loyalty or will leave the company as soon as possible.

Following are a few HR trends that companies are following to secure a friendly employee experience.

● Remove unnecessary steps for application

● Easy to use and relevant application steps

● A virtual experience of old employees at position

● AI chatbots and the latest technology

Remove Unnecessary Steps For Application:

As companies started most of the work through online tools, it becomes a prime act to remove hurdles. For example, asking candidates to submit their resumes or CVs in office and for physical office interviews was difficult amid the pandemic. Companies started the procedure for online resume submission and interviews. It proved very beneficial for candidates and companies as well. In 2021, it is becoming a trend to follow the same process. It reduces the travelling time and costs, helps through technology for interviews, and secures health risks. It removes tedious and hectic tasks that technology can solve because according to a survey conducted by Digitats, 20% of new hire employees do not recommend their company for the same reasons.

Easy to Use And Relevant Application Steps:

The hiring process should be easy and, most importantly, relevant to the job application. Online options must provide the feasibility of this prospect. Natural language processing (NLA) can scan CVs and resumes to pick up the relevant and skilled candidates for the vacancy. It lessens the process to skim A to Z applications in which many are irrelevant. Later, the chosen candidates should be invited for the interview in the office or online, varying the flexibility. Travel cost is the main setback when candidates have to move from one city to another for the job, even when their job confirmation is still pending. An interview should be accommodated according to the flexibility.

A Virtual Experience of Old Employees at Position:

Showcasing the experience of old employees can put the insight of job position and add value for the applicants. This act can be a sort of branding itself when the employee shares an open and honest review of the experience in the job. Applicants can know a slight cultural overview and grooming aspect available for them in the company. Gen Z prefers a company with a vision instead of a company without a vision. It also acknowledges the cultural tradition and value of employee feedback in the company. Out of 135,000 employees in over 100 countries, 50% of employees left the company due to the lack of career and personal grooming environment in the company — the following data was revealed when Schneider Electric reviewed its interviews exit polls.

AI and the latest technology:

To answer the queries and to give a proficient experience, the companies are using AI, machine language and the latest technology to insist upon the employee’s best experience. Chatbots or buddies are vividly helping HR work to automate generating FAQs. Companies are updating digital literacy, using automation and analytical tools to arrange the data that matters, and excelling their HR capabilities. It lessens the work to go through paperwork, helps to understand employees engagement through behaviour, performance and work analysis. Many companies use technology for the well-being of their employees with physical health along with mental health. According to the American Psychological Survey of 2020, 78% faced stress and mental health issues due to the pandemic. Companies started to go for digital health portals, medications helplines, and online therapist sessions like Uipath used 1% of the employee’s salary to offer well-being services. Organizations have mobile apps, but they are not working efficiently. Mobile apps are more user friendly, which can help to register feedback, complaints and login portals through apps.

Digital Employee Experience:

There are many things and work approaches that are changing the employee experience throughout the pandemic. Digital Employee Experience has taken significant priority to help and boost the employee experience. This aspect covers how technology can enhance the productivity and work capabilities of employees while they’re working from their homes. It brings an 85% massive increase in productivity when employees counter fewer tech issues and get a smooth working experience, according to HR cloud research.

Where to use this DeX:

Digital employee experience is featured in different companies and organizations to make sure the best employee experience. The drastic stats were shown by Garter in recent research that only 13% of employees are actively engaged through their work experience. In this aspect, companies should take advantage of this approach and provide a smooth employee experience to increase work efficiency and employee retention.

When to use this:

Covid-19 has catalysed the changes in workplaces. This time more employees are working remotely, and they will continue to work even after the pandemic. It is high time for companies to invest in technology. If a client is working remote-based, effective companies provide tech-related instructions, tutorials and premium gadgets and tools for a convenient employee experience. A source of communication of employees in the company collectively started to base upon technology, and for powerful communication, which is an essential step.

What can increase DeX:

Many factors can increase the digital employee experience. For example, a company or organization should provide tech software tools, improve the mood of communication (external and internal), data access and virtual meeting experience. As HRclouds states that 85% of employees are motivated when internal communication is effective.

Why emphasize DeX:

It increases productivity and digitally improves the employee work experience. Below average digital experience can cost more than 12 hours per week to employee productivity, according to lakeside digital monitoring data. Poor experience discourages employees and eventually, it might lead them to leave the company. Better employee experience, particularly digital experience in this time, can impact and optimize productivity. The company will add value to its employee experience, which will help them to stand in a better market and professional place.

Who can emphasize on DeX:

Forbes magazine shares a statistic where a better employee experience company has 1.5% more chances to excel than those who have poor employee experience. And such companies can outperform their competitors 147% more effectively. So, the company should make the employee experience, also digital, its priority to provide value and perform better.

How can this happen:

An employee centred approach should be set to improve the digital experience. If it is not helpful to them and it doesn’t fulfil their needs, the approach to digitizing their experience might fall. 98% of employees are unhappy because the software they are using impacts their device or slow work-ability, 35% of employees do not have work software and 72% of employees state that they have to wait for IT service desks regarding their tech issues, according to 1E, a unified experience management company.



Ahmad Butt

English Literature undergrad, voracious reader, and tea-based freelance writer who loves writing on different niches.